Now is the perfect time to move your money to Directions Credit Union!
Boost your savings with great rates, low minimums, and the security of knowing your deposits are insured up to $500,000.
Stop by your nearest branch to take advantage of this limited time certificate special.
19 Month - 4.07% APY*
*APY – Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance of $500.00 Dividend rate is 4.00%. Dividend rate, APY, and term shown are subject to change without notice. APY accurate as of 1/6/25. At maturity, certificate will automatically renew into an 12 month term. Penalty for early withdrawal. Membership eligibility required. Money used to open new certificates of deposit must be new money to Directions Credit Union.
Your deposits are insured up to $500,000. The first $250,000 is covered by NCUA, a U.S. Government agency, with an additional $250,000 of coverage provided by Excess Share Insurance (ESI), a private corporation.